Share Pokémon GO Friend Codes & Add Friends (Official Megathread)

455616893304 Add i’m from Germany

I’m from Atlanta, Georgia :slight_smile:
4359 7552 2221

6728 8089 3230 ADD ME I have very much presents

9412 6514 0483 add for presents pls!

Add me 8465 7803 9800 :smiley:

Stop spamming your tc

From Germany! 669480627510

Add me please :smiley:

9191 1693 2424

3432 0519 5437

My wife’s account. Add to keep sending gifts until best friends :wink:

Main: 6372 1836 8212
Baby: 8479 8573 1665

Active daily when time permits. Need more gifts for 7km eggs.

01469381 4534

657731388540 !

Send gifts every day, add me:

Send gifts every day, looking for more friends to send/receive gifts! Add me:

Where in California

976891578100 Thats my code. Add me up.

add friend, daily gifting, have extra lapras and snorlax to trade:


Add me if you want to send and receive daily gifts:
3123 4966 9039

hello im looking for new friends please add me !! thank u 7869 6192 1811

3050 8511 5728 Add me to receive daily gifts. I live next to a gym and have an unlimited supply…