Share Pokémon GO Friend Codes & Add Friends (Official Megathread)

Hi, I’m from Paraguay, Team Valor
9765 1683 1598
add me to interchange gifts, Thanks,

looking for friends anywhere in the world. i am from australia
trainer code-

Team mystic from oklahoma! I play almost everyday and will send gifts! trying to make friends for the celebi project :slight_smile:

9548 9508 7362

Hi , my code is 3985 8361 2564

I am in Michigan in the Wayne / Westland area. I am looking for friends to gift near me.
My Trainer Code is 9085 5920 5240!

And plz add my girlfriend :slight_smile: 1879 7080 1406

Active player from norway! Sending gifts back 4481 8152 8327

no gift to give to you (out of gift) but going out in two hours. I’ll send you your first gift from France.

Go send gifts together! XP


6642 2647 9766

Add 0429 6062 0329 from norway active player

6985 3270 3015 plz!!!

Society Outcast: 8266 7598 8630
TinaBina1989: 8424 7207 1021

Society Outcast: 8266 7598 8630
TinaBina1989: 8424 7207 1021

Please feel free to add us.

6887 2141 4133

Hi! Please add me, im from Portugal. Thanks

Hey everyone, looking to add some friends into the game, my friend code is: 4317-4986-2080. will add anyone :smiley:

heres my friend code guys, Ill addSmartSelect_20180902-083645_Pok%C3%A9mon%20GO