Share Pokémon GO Friend Codes & Add Friends (Official Megathread)

Add my bud who can’t type lol

7089 0141 4526

Add me

mine: 2435 5494 5382

Looking for international friendship? Please add me as your friend
4589 7615 5365



6144 0938 0005, Singapore

I live in north west New Jersey - play every day and will send gifts :slight_smile:

Will only accept those of same faction, add if you would like, from Scotland UK

Please add me - Team Instinct level 37 - will send gifts!


Sorry my friend code is

3603 1958 9724

London UK

Please add me for regular gifts.
UK based, level 32
3378 3719 6639

Hello from Canada! 1742 3973 4477

Hello from Canada! Friend code 1742 3973 4477

6014 7953 1774 add me
0891 5637 1653 my hubbys code.
Not sure if I have done this right new to forum


Sent invite from Kaam10, Finland :slight_smile: looking forward to exchanging gifts

Who needs a friend for the Celebi research - my code is 8051 0203 9656. Team Mystic, from Estonia.
I also added randomly some codes from this topic

Edit: 12h have passed since I shared my code and I realize that there are too many friend request, I can´t accept all of you. Sorry for that. However I let my code visible here, just in case for the future :slight_smile:

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Here is my little lad’s code and mine. Please add as friends.

4787 2335 2600

6068 8052 3041

