Niantic's April Fools Joke

Only soft ban though and honestly from what I’ve heard that’s takes 1500+ mind and 1500+ stops in 72 hours to exceed. I really think most people can’t do that without bots and That’s why the algorithms and programmes that way. even then if you do have that much time on your hands (lucky you) would it kill you to cut down to 500 per day? At least till the the algorithms are fixed to target bot use better

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Tbh there not illegible but it does look crap


You can’t even keep track of what you do. Catching ditto alone means catching hundreds of pidgey.

Idk how many mons i caught on friday or stops. Countless youtubers played 11+ hours straight ProdigiesNation i believe played 17+ hours and got softbanned and he is legit.

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Holly played 24 hours. Lmao…nonstop.


Does ditto take that long? Maybe I’m lucky and see them every couple weeks and at best catch 100 a day… and I get it’s hard to keep track and it is certainly unfair for those that are legit but I get why it’s come about because it’s sucked for players who can’t compete with people who uses bots ect… i guess it’s just the case that it’s been crap for people who don’t have the time to grind irl and third party apps have screwed them but they clearly not been targeting it properly. Still I think this has been long over due and should be fixed soon and I’m in the mean time people might just need to tone it down (as I said it won’t kill you!!).

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My cousin never even seen ditto and i catch it easily saw two on friday.

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Mmm curious, I’ve never considered it rare And everyone I know complains about seeing them a lot. Maybe it’s a UK thing? Doubt it though, is your cousin level 30 yet? I don’t know if there’s much research on ditto spawns since no one cares till the quests


He’s lvl 33. also just to keep this on topic.

The shadow ban is a April fools joke so that the masses don’t get Mew quick.

But yes Ditto is rare.

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Mm interesting and I honestly don’t think it’s a joke, more just niantic trying to stop people from cheating there way to mew.

And to keep this even more on topic to the thread, sorry mapman42, the 8 but graphics is still horrible. I think if it was optional though it would be nice for those that want to keep it.


Ok guys April 1st is past us now. Change it back from this retro garbage please.


It will go back today most likely. I’m personally starting to quite like it.

Guys it looks like retro garbage but they still have these sprites being used in a lot of Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon (2017)


Not scribbles, true. More like splatter art. It’s a colossal downgrade in graphics quality.

Niantic’s welcome to give us an option to keep it for those whose reason is overcome by nostalgia. Let 'em run it on machines with 16 K RAM over 300 baud modems, too. Weren’t those groovy?


It is old school. Vintage. Indeed need the option. This just a slice of life.

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“retro garbage”? These sprites are five years old…
Maybe you all should play other pokemon games than just GO


I Do, I remember these sprites in the older games and was nice to see but I just prefer up to date graphics from pokemon Sun and moon


These ARE from Sun and Moon
jesus christ did anybody here actually play them?



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I don’t get why people are complaining about these graphics, I actually quite like them, for me personally it brings back the good old game boy days and sometimes, it’s good to see a bit of nostalgia.


In the box, it does look quite weird due to how big they are, but for the nearby screen they are perfect