New Pokemon in the game and task

You said “they were all on the first” what are “they”

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The stops spun :rofl:

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I feel sorry for you, I spun more than that in a day, do you still maintain your stamp on getting Raikou weekly?

Not able to, not able to play…

You must miss some Raikou then, poor guy

I got Raikpu on the first and will hopefully get another on the 31st.

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I’m planning to get all 5 this month

I also was planning…

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I still have not got one got 2 more days

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You find it yet?

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Haven’t found a Dratni, Larvitar or Spinda quest since the the Quest change over. In-fact I’m not finding very many quests for a Pokemon full stop since the change over. At a guesstimate 70% of what I’m getting is Dust and Berries. I got my Spinda through chat on Discord.
I’ve given up checking and trashing so I can spin the very next one on my drive. I just let the Go Plus get whatever now. I was wasting too much time checking if it was a keepper to do or not.

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Have had the larvitar and Spinda, but only once. They are rare quests

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Still never got them

No reason I want more than 4 Raikous. I’ll save the 5 for whichever one is best.

Just got my first one


Thats pretty good how is it

I only have 2, i dont really look for tasks anymore.

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As soon as I got one I was like **** **** and stopped looking…

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It’s not to good 65%

2 spinda so far, too time consuming to look for its task. As more people get it, its trade value goes down

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