How was Your Community day

Got 4 shiny Porygon and 1 shiny Beldum (93% IV) from research


That’s disappointing. Hope you’ll have better luck next time

The event was pretty good, for only being able to play 2 hours.

My main got 11 shinies, and an 11-15-15 Porygon-Z.
My alt got 4 shinies, a 15-14-15 Porygon-Z, and a 15-15-14 Porygon.

Both of them then scored a bunch of Articuno candy.

I was looking forward to it weeks out. Forgot it was on the weekend until a friend mentioned something Friday. I had the whole weekend planned for doing POi nominations Sat-Sun.
Got annoyed with myself my plans were messed up again for the second week running.
Did 1/2 as many nominations as I wanted Saturday due to some Sporting finals on.
Went for a bit of a hike late afternoon to check a Gym in the middle of nowhere. Got home had some dinner and crashed out asleep by 9pm.
Didn’t wake until 10:30am and still felt worn out so couldn’t get the enthusiasm to have a fair crack t CD. Caught a few randoms at home. Went down and did some shopping for dinner and let the GoPlus run. Had another snooze.
Played about 90-120min all up. Got 5 Shiny and no good IVs.
Disappointing effort.

47/1022 is a very good result for me. One Shiny in about 22 encounters if I remember correctly. I really wanted to get 40 Shiny Porygon before the end, so that has been accomplished. Definitely my best Community Day, despite playing for around three hours on just Incense. The fifth hour really helped me out as I got a total of 16 Shinies and that one hour! That’s what I call insane luck. Also got a non-Shiny 98% from the first Field Research I did, so that’s now a Porygon-Z. It will probably never be used anyways😅 Haven’t checked when the Charmander Community Day is taking place yet, but hopefully Niantic finally picked a date when I can actually go outside and walk the full six hours, because that hasn’t happened yet. I really want to see how many I can actually get when I go for a walk for the full six hours.

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The last few weeks were very boring in PoGo. Last CD was Magikarp (ugh) and last few events were boring with bad results for me. Last week we had no good T1 and T3 raids, mega raids are meh, and legendary raids are old pokemon.
So this CD, eventhough Porygon is meh, i decided to go all in. Just one big grinding session “just because i could”.
So these are my results:

Before CD:

After CD

so yeah; 1800+ checks and 83 shinies. No hundos, because i don’t use the scanner we have in our city and playing with the Go Plus = checking more and catching just a few since the damn thing can’t keep up.
Still happy.

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Ive been playing the game less and less, only caught a few Porygon and one shiny and I didnt have enough candy to evolve any of them

Some incense, some walking. Good weather for early autumn in England. Usual hatful of shinies. Best shiny 91%. A non-shiny hundo
 and tantalisingly close to a snundo (shiny & 0%IVs). Bah
 next time


May the shiny odds be ever in your favour!
Gotta catch them all

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Up to now 8 shiny, no time to play more

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Same for me!

Got a few shinies but nothing great stats-wise.
Didn’t see anyone else playing at all today.
Had fish and chips, then coffee and cake before the seemingly inevitable second lockdown shuts everything down again :mask:
 so it wasn’t all bad :grin:

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9 shinies. No 100%.

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It was fantastic! Charizard is one of my favorite shinies and I got only 1 shiny Charmander on the first Community Day, so I was excited for this one. The game awarded me for my patience and the shiny force was on my side. I was only able to play for 2 hours and it was raining, but I was lucky and got 17 shiny Charmander!!! :star_struck: :heart_eyes: :sunglasses: :smiley: :four_leaf_clover: :sparkles:

I broke my own record! :top: I used incense and most of my shinies came from it. I even got 2 shinies back-to-back (1 from incense and 1 in the wild)! I evolved only 1 Charizard with Dragon Breath and got the other from the special research.

This was one of the best CDs for me and I’m glad Charmander was voted for the second CD.

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I had missed the entire Charmander CD last time, and missed the first 2 hours today; but the last 4 hours were mostly good. Captured between 200 and 250 on each acct, and evolved 2 during the event and 2 afterwards for both accts. 8 shinies on one, and 10 on the other.

Took down Arlo and Giovanni for a sort of halftime diversion, gaining a 93 IV Shadow Moltres and another Shadow Mewtwo for my main acct. Hatched my first 12km egg at the end, getting a perfect Scraggy (for which I didn’t know whether to exult or weep)

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I sat a lot of it out, but I did enough to do both the Timed Research and the 99-cent quest to get all the rewards, including 600 Mega Charizard Energy.

Caught 3 at work, 1 shiny. Evolved a 98% 15/15/14 for the move. 9/10 CD.

What do you think next Community Day will be?

Couldn’t play, can’t care that much since it has already had a Community Day and it will also be back in December probably.

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Likely not one voted by the Community if Niantic plans on doing what they did the last two Decembers–which is what I’m hoping for.

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