Yeah I heard there was a Ingress event as well
overkill, need new servers or whatever.
My Beldum day is somewhere above your comment!
And you get another day
‘Twas a good one indeed.
Especially the trades after
Yes, she was one of the van riders
And I rode a bike…
Also how big was this van (How many people could fit?)
Nope, we had a driver so we could all catch and have fun. I was just a navigator
Nice I used to have one of those but I had to get rid of it because (no space).
Anyhow it would be awesome for CD to have one.
15 passenger van, we had 12 people.
For sure! I hope they implement that option again. We had great luck having the weather boost the whole time but getting the extra hour to try for luckies and rerolls was
Maybe for Machop day (December?)
Nothing beats 3 hour weather boost for an amazing mon…except for having the hour after for trades and evolves!
Nice! Squad goalsss!
Speaking of Community Day i saw multiple rare mons ( Bagon, Chansey, Sudowoodo, and (forgot ). Maybe Dratini? @Thorend @PhilosophyLady @JimDaRaider did you have this
That would be a good one.