How to complete Mythical Discovery No.5: catch 10 ghost-type pm

That was an April Fools joke, I hope you know. And don’t you have to use AR for Mew?

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Didnt the simulations prove Exeggutor to be better?

as much as i love undeads and ghosts, graveyards at night give me the chill i had luck finding ghosts just at my street .so i wont getting close there better let the real life deads rest .(just my own belive)i would suggest you do the same…

I actually didnt go graveyard it was just a tip. I did the quests to get gastly. Already have Mew. The rest of the quests were already basically done for me.

Goodluck to everyone still in the search.

Try doing ghost type raids

In nearly all Pokebattler simulation Venusaur beat Exeggutor in time to win in raids like Groudon, Golem, and Regirock to name a few. There is a very small exception compared to all these to where a raid like Kyogre Exeggutors comes out on top thanks to its stam. The time is small for all these 2-10 secs. Venusaur only comes out a little ahead because of the 2 bar instead of the one.

Disregard the bittermen. There’s nothing wrong with playing on an app wityhin cemetery grounds.

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