The arguements arent needed. Should be silent and just in game. Pretty scary to think it gets that heated.
You will always have a few aholes. You just need to stand against them with your entire community. If its just 2 people, exclude them from your raids. They cant get legendarys with just the 2 of them. Its fine if people want to capture a gym constantly, but they should only attack ingame.
Unfortunately it’s not a handful of people, it’s probably at least 50% of our community and it’s all the really dedicated ones who do most raids. And cause we have no structure in place for organisation , admins etc we have no one to police it so it runs rampant
Ha it’s apparently escalated so much since then…now whenever I got to take a gym anywhere on this island, someone will go take me off. I even have some of my closest friends from the game before all these events, who are on the same team as me, going to a gym and using their alternate team accounts to knock just me out of the gym didn’t think this situation could get more pathetic than it already has. Thankfully its only a few months of this until i’m outta here and don’t have to deal with these toxic people again.
“What beef” Thats pretty deep they made alternate team accounts just to get you. Thats extreme rivalry and hate. Feel rejoiced you make them go to such efforts.
Not so rejoiced-just messaged him to ask about it and have received a bunch of threatening messages. Time for a break from the game I think
That’s one posibility, but the other is to play some time without interact in the gyms. So they can be angry as they want, but can’t do you any harm.
My community works really well with each other. I can only remember one time there was a big fight on Discord. I posted a picture of Toby Maquire crying from one of the Spider-Man movies with the caption “Can’t we all just get along?” and the fight ended.
Not cool.
If you’re leaving soon anyway, why don’t you just withdraw from the social parts of the game (gyms and raids) and grind until you leave. Don’t let lame people ruin the game for you.
Another option is travelling in other places. Maybe that works…
I read several “island” phrases in his posts. I think other places is not a real option.
Yeah on an island so I’m stuck here. Gonna try and play a bit to keep my account going until I move I guess but it’s pretty much tanked my interest in the game anyway unfortunately
Have not had the Messenger community I’m in collapse (yet), but there were rumblings due to lots of people being invited and those people inviting others from other groups willy-nilly. The problem was that this Messenger group was originally created to cover only specific areas that start with a certain letter (bunch of nearby counties/area names happened to start with the same letter) and have members who are somewhat familiar/friendly with each other.
But with the huge increase of unfamiliar people joining, we got a bunch who would not bother to talk with the prior members (just show up with their clique and ignore requests to wait/join etc.), disrupt chats with confused references to other groups and non-covered areas, or make members wait for them only to end up joining a raid with another group without notice, etc.
Since the Messenger group was about to hit its membership # limit, the mods sent out a message asking who was still active in the group. Anyone not answering that message until a certain date were purged from the group. Only a little more than half of the group remained thanks to that purge (good riddance!).
Group membership # limit was raised and going thru a trusted member was required in order to be accepted in. So far the group’s been doing well after the purge, especially since we have reliable members with multiple accts (two people carry around 5 each!) or apparently limitless free time and money (1 member has done over 1,000 legendary raids, and acts as the leader for the majority of raids. We affectionately refer to him as our PokeGod).