10 minutes until the UB is revealed!

I know, in 5 minutes tho

well i too havent got an ex pass…
but maybe we are the ones who gets to battle the next raid boss first!!!

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I’m thinking … and if now before Generation IV, they make a system change in the raids and add with the new system the mythical raids for the exit of Deoxys and its forms.

What do you think? :thinking:

That was Community GO News

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:man_shrugging:t5:just woke up what i miss? im on time :skull::face_with_monocle:

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Nothing, we are just waiting.

One minute 20 seconds!!!



:bangbang:️incoming hype train


did i just call that so good or what

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Lol 50 seconds

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Guys Im gonna spam the tab Ill tell you what it is!!!

where we dropping boys wait wrong game where we looking boys

Whoa 70 million people are on the site, taking foreve r to load.

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what is it

Wait, the error doesn’t let me post screenshots


GG, my topic was success.

fair enough…
but no info on new ex raid boss tho!