Windy Event - 10k Egg drop rate increase?

Have 10k eggs been increased for this event? I got 7 of them today!!!

I have been getting a surprising amount of them also, not sure why. Could be confirmation bias though

I haven’t cleared my eggs out yet so I can’t confirm anything yet

I had a free spot and spun around 30 stops on the way to work and all I got was a lousy 2km Egg :disappointed:

Yes, I’ve gotten an increased amount of 10km eggs. Niantic wants you to buy those Super Incubators.

Agreed - seems more purple spotted fruits are dropping since this event started.

This needs some confirmation but i believe it’s due the increased amounts of windy spawns in eggs. This means dratini and bagon should appear much more

I beleive more 10K eggs are dropping because the 5K egg pool has been dramatically decreased which makes the possibility of 10K’s dropping more likely by comparison.

Way more 10 k eggs for me…cleared out seven older 10s today and four of the replacements were also 10k

Unfortunatelly I cannot confirm that at all. During the time of the event I got only one 10 km egg (Mareep).

I have ratio of 5 10k to 1 5k and no 2k

I got 6 eggs since the bonus launched with 4 of them being 10km.

Got one 10KM egg, but I only got 2 new eggs yet so I don’t know.

I have 9 10k eggs, I think this is due to the fact that all dragon types hatch from these.

Hatched a Bagon this morning out of my first windy 10km egg.