What is your Mewtwo Battle party?

My best is only 91

Thatā€™s still good. I know some trainers who donā€™t have any in the 90s nor even have one Mewtwo because of there jobs or busy schedule. So even having one at 91% is a boost and great battle buddy for raids and taking over gyms easily.

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Lol I donā€™t even have a Mew2

R8 my team!

Sorry to hear @Jormdeworm hopefully you have some luck. Try your loacal parks or historical monuments which have raids. Also you can trigger a Mewtwo raid by having a high percentage of people constantly battling certain raids where you want to get the pass for. Try to figure out which ones have received a EX pass before. Itā€™s likely that they can get it again.

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Well your T-Tar and Metagross are up there. If you can get another T-Tar and some Houndooms they are super effective.

I have a good number of ttars but I donā€™t power them up because Iā€™m weird like that, ignore the Sudowoodo, heā€™s my cheerleader! I also wanted to use 6 unique PokĆ©mon, I probably should have clarified beforehand!

Haha :joy: yea itā€™s cool though. Iā€™m always looking for better PokĆ©mon. Even when I hit level 40 my goal is to have all 100IV PokĆ©mon and trash the lower IV ones. So I never feel like Iā€™m done with PokĆ©mon go or accomplished. It keeps me motivated to get better everyday.

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My Mew Two basher squad are the same as I used on Lugia and now Latios.
The small 100% was Raided Sunday and the other one thatā€™s not quite maxed was Raided the previous weekend. Iā€™ve Raided 2 100% in the last 3 Tyranitar Raids.
Previously they had 3200 CP Bt/Cr in the 80% range in those spots.

Those are some great odds getting T-Tar with those IV. Good for you @Jormdeworm. Keep it up you can only improve and make others want to compete too.

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Just smashed a lot of Rare Candies into it. Maybe I have Ttar in 2019
