The time travelers Journey ( community race )

im on page 3 now

Cmon thats impossible hatch 9 eggs
And im still on 1…
Cant win raid and do gym battle

You a time traveller yourself? Or just your phone? :wink:

Shouldn’t be possible to get the “3 days in a row” on a single day, so I guess this was done by switching time zones on the device?

Link time travels easily. :face_with_monocle:

already hatched 2 eggs. Thank God for super incubators

Man you’re a beast

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Trying to catch it first for the Hub!

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And be the first in the world to get silver pinap.

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What page you on

:pray:t4: 5 :pray:t4:

How don’t you got to catch 3 days in a row

I used celebi :face_with_monocle: :crazy_face:

alrdy did umbreon part :smiling_imp:

Damn bro what is that thing by the pineap

Star piece, pinap, and upgrade for porygon to evolve.

But how did you do the catch 3 Pokemon in every 3 days

time traveled, :sweat_smile::robot:

Need to teach me how

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Task 6, this is now just a waiting game.