Legendary Dog Pics

dont have any of them seen or caught in the dex

It is hypothesized that the beasts were resurrected Eeveelutions. Vaporeon, Flareon, and Jolteon died in the tower, and were resurrected by Ho-Oh into their respective-typed beasts. I know there’s not much empirical evidence to support the theory, but still interesting nonetheless. There are, however, certain pieces of evidence, such as the eeveelutions and their beast forms having similar movesets, and the same Hidden Ablilites.

Is there any possible chances to written of legendary dogs in raid or in quest system?

If we’re getting Moltres with the quests, I assume that the legendary beasts will also appear at some point as a 7-day quest reward.

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I think after birds beast are coming in rewards of field research.

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