How was Your Community day

There is still a change. :wink:

Oh, I remember, all introduced Shiny can be found outside the eventā€¦ only, that this has never has happened to me. :unamused:


Yeah, not outside, not insideā€¦


5 out of 162 caught was a shiny for me. No really good IVā€™s for the shinies, but I did catch plenty good IV weather-boosted larvitars. I even hatched a shiny shellder. All in all, a really nice community day!!


Two shinies, both 100 CP. But I found some really cool people in my community, and I did my first three ever Kyogre raids! One fled, but it was an awesome day.


My son caught 7 Shiny Larvitars. I only caught 1.


The errors were horrendous, I was really upset for the first few hours tbh, and nearly cried when my first ever shiny karp errored out, but thankfully I got back in. The luvdisc is probably my most prized shiny and I very nearly didnā€™t get it since I had already tried to tap on that 10 times and had started to walk away and give up on it when it finally loaded.

I made a summary of my finds;


Of my 8 Shiny Larvitar I had 2 Dust me off on the screen but when I checked the recents in the bag they were in the collection. The friend I was play with had one do the same.
2 others had the ball freeze up up when it comes back after capture. App had to be shut down and restarted. Both were in the recents.
I even pressed run on one Shiny but mistake and thought Iā€™d lost it but clicked on the Larvitar again and it was Shiny again/still.

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24 shinys WITH errors? How? Are you part of the Asia region? I caught 175 larvitars and ā€œonlyā€ 13 were shiny. Thats a crazy high amount for me.

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@Robdebobrob yeah Iā€™m in Australia, we frequently get extensions from errors at CDs, this time we had 2 hours more, but even so, I was up to 16 before the original time ran out, so it was freakishly high no matter what way I look at it.

edit: my seen number is 542 and Iā€™d guess only about 20 were prior to the event so, you were doing better on the ratio of seen to shiny than me, I just went through more I think


I havenā€™t played pokemon for a while. I just came back and play CD. It is my second CD. I wonder what different between shiny and regular one? Will the Shiny one get stronger than the regular one? Today, I caught 4 shiny out of 130. However, the shiny ones are low cp and low IV. So I can say they are useless and I will transfer them. Why people are excited when they catch shiny ones even if they are low IV low CP. I dont get it.

Worst CD ever.
For a total of 30(!) larvitars i got the error: this item cant be used here.
And 4 of them were shiny!!:triumph:

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4/30? Thatā€™s still a pretty high shiny rate.

At least you got the shinies. Try look at the positive things a bit more.

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My friend got 112 and no shiny at all.
I got 134 and got 3
(3/134 is pretty bad for cd)

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I got 110 and 7 shiny my brother 45 as we were in different places Andy 1 shiny

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Mine was the worst one to date in terms of actual shiny amount, ended up with 5 shiny Larvitarā€™s but i also got 2 shiny Kyogre (93% and 91%) which was excellent

I got 1 shiny
4 errored away

It was hard to play here in Germany this timeā€¦ For all in our group. There were some Larvitar spawns, but just not the number we were used to from other community days. And constanty we got errors when tapping PokĆ©mon, game freezes or other strange stuff. Every some minutes we needed to re-login (I myself do have a Google based account - donā€™t know about the others) and be afraid not to get into the game again. I missed quite some spawns to this.(You knowā€¦ you tapā€¦ you tapā€¦ you tap another 5 time and just nothing happensā€¦ restart gameā€¦ spawn goneā€¦)
Espacially the shiny rate seemed extremely unbalanced this time - one from our group got 10 out of hundred, I have heard about people with up to 19 (!!) shinies. I got 2 out of about 110, and I guess I still need to feel lucky when considering the problemsā€¦
The game was just too unstable to play. Luckily I managed to evolve one of my better Pupitars that I had saved for this CD quite at the beginning, because when near the end I tried to do it, the game just wouldnā€™t let me in any more (for about the last 20 minutes). There probably went my third shinyā€¦

I was so sure that we would get the same extension that Asia hat gottenā€¦ or at least 1 hourā€¦ but nothingā€¦ that was the most disappointing CD up to now. You know, we had fun together and all this, the weather was greatā€¦ but we still came for the Larvitars and we all were quite sad, when Niantic just didnā€™t react to the problems that were reported in such huge numbersā€¦

My CD was good. Idk how some of you get so many shinies. I got five and was very happy with that. The shinies were nice, but this day was all about the candy for me. With about 30 minutes left, I was happy with all my shinies, but disappointed I didnā€™t get one with really good IVs. Then boom, 98% with about 20 minutes to go. Immediately turned him into ttar and will be powering up after the water event ends

Pupitar is one of my favorite looking shinies I thinkā€¦larvitar and ttar are kind of boring

Sorry to hear about all of the technical difficulties some of you were having. Iā€™m sure that was frustrating. Niantic must have fixed the issues by the time CD got to the americas because I didnā€™t have any issues.